What do you value beyond a home investment? To many, owning a home is one of the greatest achievements for the residents of Nanaimo. But it doesn’t come easy. It takes you time, effort and resources to finally live in your dream home. I have interacted with a few moms who own homes and asked […]

Chaos. Motherhood is chaos. No other faction of life can create such havoc inside one’s mind, of this I am sure. Within the span of 24 hours, I experience every emotion known to man, sometimes simultaneously. I feel terror and frustration as my toddler makes a run for it, careening down the sidewalk as fast

Mama We’re All Crazy NowRead More »

#**This post contains an affiliate link. Although I do make a small profit on anything purchased through this link (at no cost to you), I was not compensated for the product described and all thoughts are purely my own.*** A fulfilling career. Financial stability. A happy homelife. Great health. Strong bonds with family and friends.

Can You Really Have It All?Read More »

One Mother’s Journey

From the day I started this blog, I have held the belief that every mother has a story to tell. For all our differences, we are all in this together. We all face a variety of choices and struggles, and sometimes all you need is to know that someone else has been there, no matter

One Mother’s JourneyRead More »

I’ve mentioned before that I believe everyone should have a handful of go-to recipes for a variety of occasions. Something for company, something for special occasions, a signature dish, a great dessert, and a killer side dish. This is that killer side dish. It started with making some simple foil packets with potatoes, onions, butter and seasonings when

Italian Potato Bake {Recipe}Read More »